Tuesday, 1 March 2011

All My Best Friends Love TMNT Customs

Well, OK, they don't - some of them have probably never even seen a custom Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toy. Hell, some of them probably never even watched that kooky show. Yes, yes, I know: what could possibly possess me to hold friends who don't love the heroes in a half shell? Well, what can I say? I'm a friendly guy!

Anyway, to the point...

Most of us here will be familiar with the TMNT line of toys released in the 80s and 90s but perhaps not with just how awesome the sculpts hiding under those camp 80s paint jobs actually were. The character designs as a whole pretty much blew everything else of the time out of the water, and the sculpts particularly reflected that. Paints, not so much (as much as I love them). 

But all it takes is a little skillful application of paint to turn a cool 80s/90s TMNT into something really very special, as Charles 'Monsterforge' Marsh demonstrates:

Which brings me to Metalhead. After Monsterforge threw that Mutagen Man together on commission for me, we got to talking about what to do next. Metalhead, that evil-turtledroid-gone-good, was an obvious choice.

But looking at him and mulling over what to do with him led me to the conclusion that this lad has just so much potential that one simple commission wasn't going to cut it. In jest I suggested we put on a custom show of sorts amongst the online community, with Metalhead as the base.

And so it is (with much preamble) that I welcome you to this, the official unofficial All My Best Friends Are Metalhead online custom show, brought to you in association with October Toys and Toy Break

The concept is simple: an anything-goes, just-for-fun artists show entirely based on everyone's favourite TMNT, Metalhead. Repainting, kitbashing, resculpting, rubbing it vigorously for luck - it's all good! As long as it started out Metalhead, it counts.

I'll have a number of these to provide to artists for free, but of course customisers are free to pick up their own if they prefer. 

More details to follow!


  1. I'm in! OK I'll wait for the details.....

  2. Im in too, soon as we get the details.

  3. I'd like to get in on this, I'm on the OctoberToys Forum. JordyP.
